Sunday, 17 February 2008

Eiffel Tower

I went to the paris last week. I saw some amazing stuff there. I sow the Eiffel Tower.I went in side the Eiffel Tower, it was so high. The houses was to small from its top.It was beautiful and it was sososososo old. they made it 1887 and it opened on 1889.


Anonymous said...

Did you enjoy alot my darling?

Anonymous said...

good for you

Anonymous said...

Your veblog is one of the best in the word . Good for you

Anonymous said...

then you can dance very well ;)
sometimes write your post in farsi.

Anonymous said...

WOW this is amazing and you have a very nice blog dear. I really enjoyed visiting it. Keep up the hard work.
Best Wishes

Anonymous said...

Dear Simin,
I sometimes come to see your nice blog. but why dont you try changing color of background of your weblog? I think it will be more attractive if you choose some colors like pink, light blue, green? whats your opinion?